Cork oak lamp

There is mounting empirical evidence that interacting with nature delivers a range of measurable human benefits, including positive effects on physical health, psychological well-being, cognitive ability and social cohesion.
Understanding the benefits of interacting with nature is important for maintaining and improving human well-being in a rapidly urbanising world.
These are some of the reasons why we continue to feel inspired to bring natural elements to your home, where contemplating nature becomes part of our daily lives.
This time we created a lamp, made of the cork oak (Quercus suber), thinking of how good it will look at your home.

The cork oak (Quercus suber) is a tree of the oak family, grown in southern Europe and from which cork is extracted.Together with the pine tree, the cork oak is one of the most prevalent tree species in Portugal, being more common in the coastal Alentejo and Algarve mountains. Thanks to a cork, the cork oak has been cultivated since ancient times.
The extraction of cork is not (in general terms) harmful to the tree since it produces a new layer of “bark” (suber) with identical thickness every nine years, after which it is subjected to new stripping. Recently, more mechanized and safer processes have been developed to carry out this operation, as in the machine that cuts the cork, avoiding injuries harmful to the life of the cork oak, and that facilitates the work of the drawers, without replacing them, thus increasing the productivity.It can be up to 20 m, but it will generally be 15 m.
You can order here your unique and exclusive oak tree lamp:
Cork Oak table

Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. We try our best to take Nature to your home.
This time we made a minimalist cork oak tree table, thinking of how good it will look at your home.

The cork oak (Quercus suber) is a tree of the oak family, grown in southern Europe and from which cork is extracted.Together with the pine tree, the cork oak is one of the most prevalent tree species in Portugal, being more common in the coastal Alentejo and Algarve mountains. Thanks to a cork, the cork oak has been cultivated since ancient times.
The extraction of cork is not (in general terms) harmful to the tree since it produces a new layer of “bark” (suber) with identical thickness every nine years, after which it is subjected to new stripping. Recently, more mechanized and safer processes have been developed to carry out this operation, as in the machine that cuts the cork, avoiding injuries harmful to the life of the cork oak, and that facilitates the work of the drawers, without replacing them, thus increasing the productivity.It can be up to 20 m, but it will generally be 15 m.
You can order here your unique and exclusive oak tree table:
Older blog
We are proudly a 20 year family business. Before this new website we expressed all our stories that made us grow and contribute for a better and more sustainable world. I hope you enjoy checking as well our older blog. Let us know your thoughts!
Classy & Natural
"Witnessing calm and quiet atmosphere, clear and fresh air seemed like a miracle to me. I wanted this time to last longer since I was not sure if I would be able to witness it again, knowing my habit of succumbing to schedule. There was this unusual serenity that comforted my mind. It dawned on me, how distant I had been from nature. Standing near the compound’s gate, feeling the moistness that the air carried, I thought about my life so far.
(...) I feel like these concrete buildings have sucked our desires and our dreams. We are so used to comfort that compromise seems like a taboo. We have lost faith in ourselves. If we can make through it right now, we can do the same in the days to come. You only need a desire to survive and nothing more- not money or cars or designer clothes.
Staying locked up in four walls have restricted our thinking. I feel like our limited thinking echoes through this wall. We are so used to schedules and predictable life that we have successfully suppressed our creative side.
When you step out of these four walls on a peaceful morning, you realize how much nature has to offer to you. Its boundless. Your thoughts, worries, deadlines won’t resonate here. Everything will flow away along with the wind. And you will realize every answer you had been looking for, was always known to you."
We hope DE RAIZ Nature exclusive pieces can bring you a peaceful day.